titles held
The In Art Collective was a non-profit organization in Seattle that gave space to artists, musicians and activists. We did this partly by hosting gallery showings and events but also had an artist in residency program. As a member of the board of directions I helped maintain our non-profit status, secure funding and helped cultivate our community presence. I was a part of a team that organized, planned, marketed and hosted all of the events. In order to achieve our goals I maintained close relationships with people varying from artists to politicians. This role called on me to plan and execute events within budget. As I was in a leadership role, I was able to delegate tasks to achieve our goals more efficiently. I used social media and news outlets to get attention and attendees. We built a very successful community.
I was hired on to bring Ruckus Among Us to a broader audience. I was in charge of planning and executing events, social media and all of our marketing. Through networking and maintaining relationships, I was able to secure distribution throughout Seattle at stores & local shops.
as a member of the board of directors at Gallery 1412, I would weigh in on hefty decisions that effected the collective, initiate new members, help fill the entertainment and gallery schedules as well as host events. Many times i was assigned to do community outreach and marketing.
The Seattle Exposure Project was social experiement, or movement I started aiming to address and attack “girl on girl” crime in the Seattle music and art scene. The overarching mission was to desexualize and humanize the bodies we live in, in a hope to stop comparing ourselves and putting others down. It was a website that showed bodies in a very scientific and straightforward manner, accompanied by an interview that documented the persons favorites, dislikes, insecurities, and details of their past. In order to pull this off I had to do my own outreach, marketing, staffing, planning the events and building the brand & website. One of the most valuable skills I earned from this experience was gaining the trust of a large group of people enough to get them to open up.
I was hired on to come up with, plan, market, execute & host events at Hazlewood Bar in Seattle. On top of that I was in charge of keeping their social media active and growing by creating fresh and interactive content.
DESC is a non-profit organization that helps connect houseless people to resources. Whether that be clothing, food, jobs or housing. I was brought on to be the co-director of the fund develeopment team. There I brainstormed ways to get more funds to help more people. One of my biggest accomplishments here was taking the donations that we were not able to give to the clients and selling them in order to buy more suitable, weather appropriate clothing. I used my connections in the music, art and fashion scene to secure donations of venue, talent and volunteers to host blow out parties with goods for sale. I was able to raise thousands of dollars. For these events I single-handedly networked and promoted the event.
Agency (previously No Tolerance) was a non-profit collective aimed at making the creative community a safer place. We held workshops about racism, sexism and ways to look out for each other in nightlife settings. My role in this organization was planning the events, organizing the venue, guest list, and the aesthetics of the event. I would create the fliers and do our promotion on social media. A major part of our mission was to raise awareness to some of the issues in the nightlife industry and come up with resources that could assist us assisting each other. In order to do that we did many fundraisers, raising thousands throughout the years that we used to buy testing kits, uber rides home, provide safe sex tools and continue our educational/cathartic workshops.
MOVE was a bi-weekly event. The structure was an “open stage” with a headliner in the middle. I would go to local shows and find bands that I thought were up & coming and ask them to headline. Outside of that it was first come first serve sign up for performers. The mission was to be as weird as you wanted. This was no open mic. Sure, sometimes we’d get a singer song-writer but often we had snippets of plays, live tattooing, painting, hair cutting, yoga, you name it. A lot of talented people blessed the stage of MOVE and it is still talked about to this day as a meeting place of a lot of artistic connections that blossomed in the future. MOVE was really one of the first serious events I pulled off. I made the fliers myself, I did the booking, the promotion, I grew it into something where eventually I had to hire a co-host & sound person.
Kremwerk is a queer night club in Seattle that hired me to book four band bills twice a month. Scouting talented, creating fliers, correspondence were all large parts of this gig.
The Punk Rock Flea Market is a local vendor market that’s been going on for decades. I was hired to manage the entertainment and bar portion of the event. To do this I needed to make connections with liquor distributors, hire a staff, create the bar functionality, create a way of accoutning for sales & staying on top of schedules.
The Hideout is an art gallery bar that has been around for a very long time, it’s a beloved jewel in Seattle, but after a few months of being closed due the pandemic they were looking to re-brand and hire a completely new staff. They wanted to bring the art back into the space and move away from the stuff cocktail culture they were leaning towards pre-pandemic. As the bar manager I hired an entire new staff, centering that the culture of an establishment starts with only a couple things and the people running it being one of them. I was to create and build a new cocktail menu, which I successfully did four menus consisting of 15+ drinks in one year. I managed the events, planned dj nights, big blow outs, pride festivals, block parties. I ran the social media, creating content to keep us relevant and to draw customers in. I created the fliers we used, as well as did the interior design of all the events. On the administrative side, I created, from the ground up, the way that we accounted for, and deposited money. I wrote pay checks. Kept tight relationships with vendors and distributors.
I was hired here to create and promote events that would bring in more customers. In doing this I booked talent, designed the space and fliers, as well as hosted most of the events. I was also in charge of creating a welcoming and entertaining internet presence that showcased the unique personalty of Captain Blacks.
Running around with your head cut off is really what it is haha, but here I was on the walkie talkie making sure everything went as planned, people were where they were supposed to be, the things that were running smoothly. I ran a team of about 20 people and was their direct contact to the event coordinator.
Same company, same position as day in day out festival.